Join Us
Monday, August 19, 2024 - FIRST REHEARSAL of the season.
Edmonton's Ukrainian Dnipro Choir invites you to join us this Season.
Together with Gloria Zaharia, assistant conductor, Irena Tarnawsky, collaborative pianist, Susan Romaniuk, choir president, and Artistic Director and Conductor Irena Szmihelsky, Dnipro fosters and promotes the finest elements of traditional and contemporary Ukrainian choral music. Join us as we culminate our 70th season to preserve our rich Ukrainian musical culture and embrace the musical excellence and achievements of Ukrainian composers. All voice types are welcome to audition.
Celebrate this significant milestone year with one of Edmonton’s ‘cultural treasures’.
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Rehearsals are held every Monday at St. John's Cultural Centre 10611 110 Ave from 7:00 - 9:15PM.
SATB voices welcome - especially MALE VOICES.
Transliterated Ukrainian lyrics available.
For further information:
Irena Szmihelsky 780.906.1793
Email: [email protected]
Find us on Facebook: Ukrainian Dnipro Ensemble of Edmonton